Advances In Applied Probability
Advances in Applied Probability has been published by the Applied Probability Trust for over four decades, and is a companion publication to the Journal of Applied Probability.
It contains mathematical and scientific papers of interest to applied probabilists, with emphasis on applications in a broad spectrum of disciplines, including the biosciences, operations research, telecommunications, computer science, engineering, epidemiology, financial mathematics, the physical and social sciences, and any field where stochastic modelling is used.
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Read all available issues online at Cambridge University Press.
57.1 (March 2025)
Optimal stopping of Gauss-Markov bridges (Guada Azze, Abel; D'Auria, Bernardo; García Portugués, Eduardo)
Probabilistic voting models with varying speeds of correlation decay (Toth, Gabor)
Feller and ergodic properties of jump-move processes with applications to interacting particle systems (Lavancier, Frédéric; Le Guével, Ronan; Manent, Emilien)
Convergence speed and approximation accuracy of numerical MCMC (Cui, Tiangang; Dong, Jing; Jasra, Ajay; Tong, Xin)
Single-item continuous-review inventory models with random rupplies (Helmes, Kurt; Stockbridge, Richard; Zhu, Chao)
Optimal risk sharing for lambda value-at-risk (Xia, Zichao; Hu, Taizhong)
Tail asymptotics and precise large deviations for some Poisson cluster processes (Baeriswyl, Fabien; Chavez-Demoulin, Valérie; Wintenberger, Olivier)
Discounted optimal stopping zero-sum games in diffusion-type models with maxima and minima (Gapeev, Pavel)
Optimal drift rate control and two-sided impulse control for a Brownian system with the long-run average criterion (Cao, Ping; Wang, Xiaodao; Yao, Dacheng)
Gaussian approximation and moderate deviations of Poisson shot noises with application to compound generalized Hawkes processes (Khabou, Mahmoud; Torrisi, Giovanni Luca)
Tail variance and confidence of using tail conditional expectation: analytical representation, capital adequacy and asymptotics (Duan, Jun; Landsman, Zinoviy; YAO, JING)
57.2 (June 2025)
Average distance in a general class of scale-free networks (Bringmann, Karl; Keusch, Ralph; Lengler, Johannes)
Hidden tail chains and recurrence equations for dependence parameters associated with extremes of higher-order Markov chains (Papastathopoulos, Ioannis; Casey, Adrian; Tawn, Jonathan)
Some results on the supremum and on the first-passage time of the generalized telegraph process (Martinucci, Barbara; Paraggio, Paola; Zacks, Shelemyahu)
On the asymptotic normality of persistent Betti numbers (Krebs, Johannes; Polonik, Wolfgang)
Rough multifactor volatility for SPX and VIX options (Jacquier, Antoine; Pannier, Alexandre; Muguruza, Aitor)
Survival of the flattest in the quasispecies model (Cerf, Raphael; Berger, Maxime)
Gaussian fluctuations for the two urn model (Kolesko, Konrad; Sava-Huss, Ecaterina)
Convergence of the derivative martingale for the branching random walk in time-inhomogeneous random environment (Hong, Wenming; Liang, Shengli)
A large-scale particle system with independent jumps and distributed synchronization (Baryshnikov, Yuliy; Stolyar, Alexander)
Moderate deviations of many-server queues via idempotent processes (puhalskii, anatolii)
56.1 (March 2024)
Read the March 2024 issue online
Homogenization of Non-symmetric Jump Processes (Huang, Qiao; Duan, Jinqiao; Song, Renming)
Upper large deviations for power-weighted edge lengths in spatial random networks (Willhalm, Daniel; Hirsch, Christian)
Migration-Contagion Processes (Baccelli, François; Foss, Sergey; Shneer, Vsevolod)
Normal approximation in total variation for statistics in geometric probability (Cong, Tianshu; Xia, Aihua)
Bootstrap percolation in inhomogeneous random graphs (Amini, Hamed; Fountoulakis, Nikolaos; Panagiotou, Konstantinos)
Exchangeable FGM copulas (Blier-Wong, Christopher; Cossette, Hélène; Marceau, Etienne)
Adaptation of a population to a changing environment under the light of quasi-stationarity (Velleret, Aurélien)
A Modification of the Random Cutting Model (Burghart, Fabian)
Stable Systems with Power Law Conditions for Poisson Hail (Mountford, Thomas; Wang, Zhe)
Interlacement limit of a stopped random walk trace on a torus (Járai, Antal; Sun, Minwei)
56.2 (June 2024)
Read the June 2024 issue online
A subgeometric convergence formula for finite-level M/G/1-type Markov chains: via a block-decomposition-friendly solution for the Poisson equation of deviation matrix (Masuyama, Hiroyuki)
Strong convergence of an epidemic model with mixing groups (Ball, Frank; Neal, Pete)
Ordering and ageing properties of developed sequential order statistics governed by the Archimedean copula (Sahoo, Tanmay; Hazra, Nil)
Branching processes in random environments with thresholds (Francisci, Giacomo; Vidyashankar, Anand)
Fluctuations of the local times of the self-repelling random walk with directed edges (Marêché, Laure)
Improved Metropolis-Hastings algorithms via landscape modification with applications to simulated annealing and the Curie-Weiss model (Choi, Michael)
Max-linear graphical models with heavy-tailed factors on trees of transitive tournaments (Asenova, Stefka; Segers, Johan)
Preservation of mean inactivity time ordering for coherent systems (Teega, Venkateswararao; Naqvi, Sameen)
The asymptotic tails of limit distributions of continuous time Markov chains (Xu, Chuang; Hansen, Mads; Wiuf, Carsten)
An inaccuracy measure between non-explosive point processes with applications to Markiv chaings (Bueno, Vanderlei; Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy)
56.3 (September 2024)
Read the September 2024 issue online
An asymptotic approach to centrally-planned portfolio selection (Liang, Zongxia; Liu, Yang)
Weak local limit of preferential attachment random trees with additive fitness (Lo, Tiffany Y. Y.)
Error bounds for the one-dimensional constrained Langevin approximation for nearly density dependent Markov chains (Williams, Ruth; Campos, Felipe)
The location of maximum degree vertices in weighted recursive graphs with bounded random weights (Lodewijks, Bas)
Almost sure convergence and second moments of geometric functionals of fractal percolation. (Klatt, Michael; Winter, Steffen)
A sufficient condition for the quasipotential to be the rate function of the invariant measure of countable-state mean-field interacting particle systems (Yasodharan, Sarath; Sundaresan, Rajesh)
Central limit theorem for a birth-growth model with Poisson arrivals and random growth speed (Bhattacharjee, Chinmoy; Molchanov, Ilya; Turin, Riccardo)
Multidimensional random motions with a natural number of finite velocities (Cinque, Fabrizio; Cintoli, Mattia)
Convergence of the height process of supercritical Galton-Watson forests with an application to the configuration model in the critical window (Donderwinkel, Serte)
Heavy-traffic queue length behaviour in a switch under Markovian arrivals (Mou, Shancong; Maguluri, Siva)
56.4 (December 2024)
Read the December 2024 issue online
PDMP Monte Carlo methods for piecewise-smooth densities (Chevallier, Augustin; Wang, Andi; Power, Sam; Fearnhead, Paul)
An extreme worst-case risk measure by expectile (Hu, Yanlin; Chen, Yu; Mao, Tiantian)
Generalised shot noise representations of stochastic systems driven by non-Gaussian Lévy processes (Tapia Costa, Marcos; Kontoyiannis, Ioannis; Godsill, Simon)
On optimal reinsurance in the presence of premium budget constraint and reinsurer's risk limit (Liu, Wei; Hu, Yijun)
Concentration of measure for graphon particle system (Bayraktar, Erhan; Kim, Donghan)
Perfect sampling of stochastic matching models with reneging (Masanet, Thomas; Moyal, Pascal)
Topological reconstruction of compact supports of dependent stationary random variables (Kallel, Sadok; Louhichi, Sana)
Change of measure in a Heston-Hawkes stochastic volatility model. (Banos, David; Ortiz-Latorre, Salvador; Zamora Font, Oriol)
Antithetic multilevel particle filters (Maama, Mohamed; Jasra, Ajay; Ombao, Hernando)
Convergence of hybrid slice sampling via spectral gap (Rudolf, Daniel; Łatuszyński, Krzysztof)
55.1 (March 2023)
Read the March 2023 issue online
A new matrix-infinite-product-form solution for upper block-Hessenberg Markov chains and its quasi-algorithmic constructibility (Masuyama, Hiroyuki)
Gradient estimation for smooth stopping criteria (Heidergott, Bernd; Peng, Yijie)
On Q-scale functions of spectrally negative Lévy processes (Behme, Anita; Oechsler, David; Schilling, René)
Large time behaviour and the second eigenvalue problem for finite state mean-field interacting particle systems (Yasodharan, Sarath; Sundaresan, Rajesh)
Matrix calculations for moments of Markov processes (Daw, Andrew; Pender, Jamol)
Optimal multiple stopping problem under nonlinear expectation (Li, Hanwu)
The direct-connectedness function in the random connection model (Jansen, Sabine; Kolesnikov, Leonid; Matzke, Kilian)
Construction of aggregation paradoxes through load-sharing dependence models (De Santis, Emilio; Spizzichino, Fabio)
Large-scale behaviour of a particle system with mean-field interaction: travelling wave solutions (Stolyar, Alexander)
Interacting non-linear reinforced stochastic processes: synchronisation or non-synchronisation (Crimaldi, Irene; Louis, Pierre-Yves; Minelli, Ida)
Full classification of dynamics for one-dimensional continuous time Markov chains with polynomial transition rates (Xu, Chuang; Hansen, Mads; Wiuf, Carsten)
55.2 (June 2023)
Read the June 2023 issue online
Critical cluster cascades (Kirchner, Matthias)
Convergence of the Kiefer-Wolfowitz algorithm in the presence of discontinuities (Rasonyi, Miklos; Tikosi, Kinga)
Degree distributions in recursive trees with fitnesses (Iyer, Tejas)
On decay-surge population models (Goncalves, Branda; Huillet, Thierry; Loecherbach, Eva)
John's walk (Gustafson, Adam; Narayanan, Hariharan)
Optimal scaling of MCMC beyond metropolis (Agrawal, Sanket; Vats, Dootika; Łatuszyński, Krzysztof; Roberts, Gareth)
Branching Brownian motion in a periodic environment and uniqueness of pulsating travelling waves (Ren, Yanxia; Song, Renming; Yang, Fan)
A dual risk model with additive and proportional gains: ruin probability and dividends (Boxma, Onno; Frostig, Esther; Palmowski, Zbigniew)
Thin-ended clusters in percolation in Hᴰ (Czajkowski, Jan)
Predicting the last zero before an exponential time of a spectrally negative Lévy process (Baurdoux, Erik; Pedraza Ramirez, Jose)
Invariant Galton-Watson trees: metric properties and attraction with respect to generalised dynamical pruning (Kovchegov, Yevgeniy; Xu, Guochen; Zaliapin, Ilya)
An ergodic theorem for asymptotically periodic time-inhomogeneous Markov processes, with application to quasi-stationarity with moving boundaries (Ocafrain, William)
55.3 (September 2023)
Read the September 2023 issue online
Correction to: “An asymptotically optimal heuristic for general nonstationary finite-horizon rest-less multi-armed, multi-action bandits" (Zayas-Caban, Gabriel; Jasin, Stefanus; Liang, Jiaxin; Wang, Guihua)
Moran models and Wright-Fisher diffusions with selection and mutation in a one-sided random environment (Cordero, Fernando; Véchambre, Grégoire)
Parking functions: Interdisciplinary connections (Yin, Mei)
Local limits of spatial inhomogeneous random graphs (Maitra, Neeladri; van der Hofstad, Remco; van der Hoorn, Pim)
"Asymptotic normality for m-dependent and constrained U-statistics, with applications to pattern matching in random strings and permutations (Janson, Svante)"
The size of a Markovian SIR epidemic given only removal data (Ball, Frank; Neal, Pete)
Sandwiched SDEs with unbounded drift driven by Hölder noises (Di Nunno, Giulia; Mishura, Yuliya; Yurchenko-Tytarenko, Anton)
Continuous-time locally stationary time series models (Bitter, Annemarie; Stelzer, Robert ; Ströh, Bennet)
On asymptotic fairness in voting with greedy sampling (Gutierrez, Abraham; Mueller, Sebastian; Sebek, Stjepan)
No arbitrage and multiplicative special semimartingales (Platen, Eckhard; Tappe, Stefan)
55.4 (December 2023)
Read the December 2023 issue online
Conditions for indexability of restless bandits and an O(K^2) algorithm to compute Whittle index: Corrigendum (Akbarzadeh, Nima; Mahajan, Aditya)
Stochastic Comparison on Active Redundancies Allocation to k-out-of-n Systems with Statistically Dependent Component and Redundancy Lifetimes (You, Yinping; Li, Xiaohu; Li, Xiaoqin)
Asymptotic Results of Tail Moment and Tail Central Moment for Dependent Risks (Li, Jinzhu)
Distributions of involved random variables in discrete censored δ-shock models (Chadjiconstantinidis, Stathis; Eryilmaz, Serkan)
PDE for the joint law of the pair of a continuous diffusion and its running maximum (Pontier, Monique; Coutin, Laure)
On sparsity, power-law and clustering properties of graphex processes (Caron, Francois; Panero, Francesca; Rousseau, Judith)
Bootstrap percolation in random geometric graphs (Falgas-Ravry, Victor; Sarkar, Amites)
Propagation of chaos and large deviations in mean-field models with jumps on block-structured networks (Dawson , Donald A. ; Sid-Ali, Ahmed; Zhao, Yiqiang)
A Monte Carlo algorithm for the extrema of tempered stable processes (Ignacio González Cázares, Jorge; Mijatovic, Aleskandar)
Asymptotic expansion of the expected Minkowski functional for isotropic central limit random fields (Kuriki, Satoshi; Matsubara, Takahiko)
α-Stable convergence of heavy/light-tailed infinitely-wide neural networks (Jung, Paul; Lee, Hoil; Lee, Jiho; Yang, Hongseok)
Measuring the Suboptimality of Dividend Controls in a Brownian Risk Model (Eisenberg, Julia; Eisenberg, Paul)
54.1 (March 2022)
Read the March 2022 issue online
Random stable type minimal factorizations of the n-cycle. (Thévenin, Paul)
Asymptotics of quasi-stationary distributions of small noise stochastic dynamical systems in unbounded domains (Budhiraja, Amarjit; Fraiman, Nicolas; Waterbury, Adam)
Limit theorems for critical branching processes in finite state space Markovian environment (Grama, Ion; Lauvergnat, Ronan; Le Page, Emile)
On the cat-and-mouse Markov chain and its generalisations (Prasolov, Foss, Shneer)
Probabilistic analysis of replicator-mutator equations (Bo, Lijun; Liao, Huafu)
On model selection for dense stochastic block models (Norros, Ilkka; Reittu, Hannu; Bazsó, Fülöp)
Sinr percolation for cox point processes with random powers (Jahnel, Benedikt; Tóbiás, András)
A stochastic process on a network with connections to Laplacian systems of equations (Gillani, Iqra Altaf; Bagchi, Amitabha; Vyavahare, Pooja)
Spectral alignment of correlated gaussian matrices (Ganassali, Luca; Lelarge, Marc; Massoulié, Laurent)
Kingman’s model with random mutation probabilities: convergence and condensation I (Yuan, Linglong)
54.2 (June 2022)
Read the June 2022 issue online
Corrigendum: on a random search tree: asymptotic enumeration of vertices by distance from leaves, adv. Appl. Prob. \textbf{49} (2017), 850–876 (Bona, Miklos; Pittel, Boris)
An ephemerally self-exciting point process (Daw, Andrew; Pender, Jamol)
Moment constrained optimal dividends: precommitment and consistent planning (Christensen, Soren; Lindensjö, Kristoffer)
Optimal entry and consumption under habit formation (Yang, Yue; Yu, Xiang)
On equal-input and monotone Markov matrices (Baake, Michael; Sumner, Jeremy)
On operator fractional Lévy motion: integral representations and time reversibility (Boniece, Benjamin Cooper; Didier, Gustavo)
Normal approximation for functions of hidden Markov models (Houdré, Christian; Kerchev, George)
Nash equilibrium structure of cox process hotelling games (Baccelli, Francois; Anantharam, Venkat)
Limit theorems for continuous-state branching processes with immigration (Foucart, Clément; Ma, Chunhua; Yuan, Linglong)
Discrete-time risk-aware optimal switching with non-adapted costs (Martyr, Randall; Moriarty, John; Perninge, Magnus)
Fair gambler’s ruin stochastically maximises playing time (Peköz, Erol; Ross, Sheldon)
54.3 (September 2022)
Read the September 2022 issue online
Unbiased filtering of a class of partially observed diffusions (Jasra, Ajay; Law, Kody; Yu, Fangyuan)
Linking representations for multivariate extremes via a limit set (Nolde, Natalia; Wadsworth, Jennifer)
Measuring reciprocity in a directed preferential attachment network (Wang, Tiandong; Resnick, Sidney)
On a mixed singular/switching control problem with multiple regimes (Kelbert, Mark; Moreno-Franco, Harold)
Sub-exponential potential asymptotics with applications (Knopova, Victoria; Palmowski, Zbigniew)
Some results on the telegraph process driven by gamma components (Martinucci, Barbara; Meoli, Alessandra; Zacks, Shelemyahu)
The rescaled Polya urn: local reinforcement and chi-squared goodness of fit test (Aletti, Giacomo; Crimaldi, Irene)
A functional central limit theorem for Si processes on configuration model graphs (Wasiur R. Khudabukhsh, Casper Woroszylo, Grzegorz A. Rempala, Heinz Koeppl)
Non-asymptotic control of the cumulative distribution function of Lévy processes (Duval, Céline; Mariucci, Ester)
Extended reduced-form framework for non-life insurance (Biagini, Francesca; Zhang, Yinglin)
An extended class of the univariate and multivariate generalized Polya processes (Cha, Ji)
54.4 (December 2022)
Read the December 2022 issue online
Central limit theorem for bifurcating Markov chains under l²-ergodic conditions (Bitseki Penda, Simeon Valere; Delmas, Jean-François)
Sub-tree counts on hyperbolic random geometric graphs (Owada, Takashi; Yogeshwaran, D.)
Moments of Markovian growth-collapse processes (Privault, Nicolas)
Probability of total domination for transient reflecting processes in a quadrant (Fomichov, Vladimir; Franceschi, Sandro; Ivanovs, Jevgenijs)
Log-normalisation constant estimation using the ensemble kalman-bucy filter with application to high-dimensional models (Crisan, Dan; Del Moral, Pierre; Jasra, Ajay; Ruzayqat, Hamza)
Conditions for indexability of restless bandits and an o(k^3) algorithm to compute whittle index (Akbarzadeh, Nima; Mahajan, Aditya)
Spectral analysis of bilateral birth-death processes: some new explicit examples (De La Iglesia, Manuel)
Optimal consumption with Hindy-Huang-Kreps preferences under nonlinear expectations (Ferrari, Giorgio; Li, Hanwu; Riedel, Frank)
The β-Delaunay tessellation: description of the model and geometry of typical cells (Gusakova, Anna; Kabluchko, Zakhar; Thäle, Christoph)
Previously: tail expansions and other properties of first-passage distributions in semi-Markov processes now changed to: exponential and gamma form for tail expansions of first-passage distributions in semi-Markov processes (Butler, Ronald)
53.1 (March 2021)
Read the March 2021 issue online
Exponential ergodicity and steady-state approximations for a class of Markov processes under fast regime switching (Arapostathis, Ari; Pang, Guodong; Zheng, Yi)
Model-independent pricing with insider information: a Skorokhod embedding approach (Acciaio, Beatrice; Cox, Alexander; Huesmann, Martin)
Functional limit theorems for the Euler characteristic process in the critical regime. (Thomas, Andrew; Owada, Takashi)
The fluid limit of a random graph model for a shared ledger (King, Christopher)
Load-sharing reliability models with different component sensibilities on other component working states (Rychlik, Tomasz; Spizzichino, Fabio)
Can coherent predictions be contradictory? (Burdzy, Krzysztof; Pal, Soumik)
Normal approximation for mixtures of normal distributions and the evolution of phenotypic traits (Bartoszek, Krzysztof; Erhardsson, Torkel)
Discounted optimal stopping problems for maxima of geometric Brownian motions with switching payoffs (Gapeev, Kort, Lavrutich)
Long-time trajectorial large deviations and importance sampling for affine stochastic volatility models (Grbac, Krief, Tankov)
Branching processes with interactions: sub-critical cooperative regime (Casanova, Pardo, Pérez)
Optimally stopping at a given distance from the ultimate supremum of a spectrally negative Lévy process (Carvajal Pinto, Monica; Van Schaik, Kees)
53.2 (June 2021)
Read the June 2021 issue online
On gradual-impulse control of continuous-time Markov decision processes with multiplicative cost (Guo, Kurushima, Piunovskiy, Zhang)
Markov chain approximation of one-dimensional sticky diffusions (Meier, Christian; Li, Lingfei; Zhang, Gongqiu)
A generalised Dickman distribution and the number of species in a negative binomial process model (Ipsen, Yuguang; Maller, Ross; Shemehsavar, Soudabeh)
A class of solvable multidimensional stopping problems in the presence of Knightian uncertainty (Alvarez E., Luis H. R.; Christensen, Soren)
From microscopic price dynamics to multidimensional rough volatility models (Tomas, Mehdi; Rosenbaum, Mathieu)
Kelly and Jackson networks with interchangeable, cooperative servers (Wang, Chia-Li; Wolff, Ronald W)
Ruin problems for epidemic insurance (Lefevre, Claude; Simon, Matthieu)
Continuum line-of-sight percolation on Poisson-Voronoi tessellations (Le Gall, Quentin; Blaszczyszyn, Bartek; Cali, Elie; En-Najjary, Taoufik)
Exact simulation of the genealogical tree for a stationary branching population and application to the asymptotics of its total length (Romain Abraham)
One-dimensional system arising in stochastic gradient decent (Kostis Karatapanis)
53.3 (September 2021)
Read the September 2021 issue online
Avalanches in a short-memory excitable network (Rastegar, Reza; Roitershtein, Alexander)
Yaglom limit for stochastic fluid models (Bean, Nigel; O’reilly, Malgorzata; Palmowski, Zbigniew)
Variational inference for Markovian queueing networks (Perez, Iker; Casale, Giuliano)
Diffusion approximation of multi-class Hawkes processes: theoretical and numerical analysis (Chevallier, Julien; Melnykova, Anna; Tubikanec, Irene)
On spatial matchings: the first-in-first-match case (Manjrekar, Mayank)
Non-gaussian fluctuations of randomly trapped random walks (Bowditch, Adam)
Rejection and importance sampling based perfect simulation for Gibbs processes with a focus on hard-sphere models (Sarat Moka, Sandeep Juneja, Michel Mandjes)
The reversibility of stochastic reaction model and its relationship with multi-stability (C. Jia, D-Q. Jiang, Y. Li)
53.4 (December 2021)
Read the December 2021 issue online
Exact simulation of coupled wright-fisher diffusions (García-Pareja, Celia; Hult, Henrik; Koski, Timo)
A stochastic matching model on hypergraphs (Rahme, Youssef; Moyal, Pascal)
Approximations of geometrically ergodic reversible Markov chains (Negrea, Jeffrey; Rosenthal, Jeffrey)
Asymptotic behaviour of projections of supercritical multi-type continuous state and continuous time branching processes with immigration (Barczy, Matyas; Palau, Sandra; Pap, Gyula)
Random intersection graphs with communities (Van Der Hofstad, Remco; Komjathy, Julia; Vadon, Viktoria)
Percolation phase transition in weight-dependent random connection models (Gracar, Peter; Lüchtrath, Lukas; Mörters, Peter)
Sparse regular variation (Meyer, Nicolas; Wintenberger, Olivier)
Fragmentations with self-similar branching speeds (Duchamps, Jean-Jil)
Shot noise processes with randomly delayed cluster arrivals and dependent noises in the large intensity regime (Li, Bo; Pang, Guodong)
52.1 (March 2020)
Read the March 2020 issue online
Limit theorems for process-level Betti numbers for sparse and critical regimes (Owada, Thomas)
Transient analysis for exponential time-limited polling models under the pre-emptive repeat random policy (De Haan, Al Hanbali, Boucherie, Van Ommeren)
A non-exponential extension of Sanov’s theorem via convex duality (Lacker)
An elementary derivation of moments of Hawkes processes (Cui, Hawkes, Yi)
Thinning and multilevel Monte Carlo methods for piecewise deterministic (Markov) processes with an application to a stochastic Morris-Lecar model (Nicolas; Michèle; Vincent)
Simulation of elliptic and hypo-elliptic conditional diffusions (Bierkens, Van Der Meulen, Schauer)
Gumbel and Fréchet convergence of the maxima of independent random walks (Mikosch, Thomas; Yslas Altamirano, Jorge)
Joint temporal and contemporaneous aggregation of random-coefficient ar(1) processes with infinite variance (Pilipauskaitė, Vytautė; Skorniakov, Viktor; Surgailis, Donatas)
The existence of a giant cluster for percolation on large crump-mode-Jagers trees (Berzunza, Gabriel)
On the multi-state signatures of ordered systems lifetimes (He, Yi; Narayanaswamy, Balakrishnan; Lirong Cui)
The potentially negative effects of cooperation in service systems (Hakjin, Chung; Hyun-Soo, Ahn; Rhonda Righter)
On relative ageing of coherent systems with dependent identically distributed components (Hazra, Nil; Misra, Neeraj)
52.2 (June 2020)
Read the June 2020 issue online
Limit sequences for Sequentil MCMC methods (Finke, Doucet, Johansen)
Fluctuation identities for omega-killed Markov additive processes and dividend problem (Czarna, Irmina; Kaszubowski, Adam; Li, Shu; Palmowski, Zbigniew)
Speed and concentration of the covering time for structured coupon collectors (Falgas-Ravry, Victor; Larsson, Joel; Markström, Klas)
Stability and moment bounds under utility-maximising service allocations, with applications to some infinite networks (Shneer, Stolyar)
Samples with a limit shape, multivariate extremes and risk (Balkema, Guus; Nolde, Natalia)
Mean reflected stochastic differential equations with jumps (Briand, Ghannoum, Lambert)
Failure rate properties of parallel systems (Arab, Hadjikyriakou, Oliveira)
Absorption probabilities for gaussian polytopes, and regular spherical simplices (Kabluchko, Zaporozhets)
The equilibrium states of large networks of erlang queues (Martirosyan, Davit; Robert, Philippe)
Asymptotic properties of random Voronoi cells with arbitrary underlying density (Gibbs, Isaac; Chen, Linan)
Explicit asymptotics on first passage times of diffusion processes (Dassios, Angelos; Li, Luting)
52.3 (September 2020)
Read the September 2020 issue online
Almost sure central limit theorems in stochastic geometry (Torrisi, Giovanni Luca; Leonardi, Emilio)
Mean square rate of convergence for random walk approximation of forward-backward sdes (Geiss, Christel; Labart, Céline; Luoto, Antti)
Out-of-equilibrium random walks (Videla)
Improved queue-size scaling for input-queued switches via graph factorisation (Xu, Jiaming; Zhong, Yuan)
Ergodicity of affine processes on the cone of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices (Friesen, Martin; Jin, Peng; Kremer, Jonas; Rüdiger, Barbara)
One- versus multi-component regular variation and extremes of Markov trees (Segers, Johan)
Renewal in Hawkes processes with self-excitation and inhibition (Costa, Manon; Graham, Carl; Marsalle, Laurence; Tran, Viet Chi)
Functional central limit theorems and moderate deviations for Poisson cluster processes (Gao, Fuqing; Wang, Yujing)
Central limit theorems for coupled particle filters (Jasra, Ajay; Yu, Fangyuan)
52.4 (December 2020)
Read the December 2020 issue online
Exact simulation for multivariate ITO diffusions (Blanchett, Zhang)
Limit theorems for assortativity and clustering in null models for scale-free networks (Van Der Hofstad, Van Der Hoorn, Litvak, Stegehuis)
Geometric functionals of fractal percolation (Winter, Steffen; Klatt, Michael)
Limit theorems for multi-type general branching processes with population dependence (Fan, Jie Yen; Hamza, Kais; Jagers, Peter; Klebaner, Fima)
Draw-down Parisian ruin for spectrally negative Lévy processes (Wang, Wenyuan; Zhou, Xiaowen)
On the components failure in coherent systems with applications to maintenance strategies (Asadi, Majid; Hashemi, M.)
Mean and variance of balanced poly urns (Janson)
Characterisation of the conditional stationary distribution in Markov chains via systems of linear inequalities (Kimura, Masatoshi; Takine, Tetsuya)
Asymptotic variance of Newton-cotes quadratures based on randomised sampling points (Stehr, Mads; Kiderlen, Markus)
A bayesian sequential test for the drift of a fractional Brownian motion (Muravlev, Zhitlukhin)