Endowment Prizes
Below are a list of the awards the Applied Probability Trust has endowed during its history. Though the APT contributed financially to the endowments which fund these prizes, the APT board of Trustees does not partake in deciding recipients of these awards. Similarly, the APT is not involved in any of the management of the endowment funds or the form any of the prizes take (monetary, book vouchers, etc.)
Australian National University: Applied Probability Trust Prize (Website)
CWI, Amsterdam: Applied Probability Trust Prize
Imperial College, London: Hyman Levy Prize (Website)
The Open University: George Barnard Prize
University of Adelaide: Applied Probability Trust Prize (Website)
University of California, Santa Barbara: Abraham Wald and Ruth and Joe Gani Prizes (Website)
University of Cambridge: Bartlett Prize and Rollo Davidson Trust (Website)
University of Kentucky: R. L. Anderson Prize (Website)
Université Libre de Bruxelles: Ruth and Joe Gani prize (Website)
University of Manchester: M. S. Bartlett Prize
University of Melbourne: Norma McArthur Prize (Website)
University of Newcastle, New South Wales: Applied Probability Trust Statistics Prize
University of Sheffield: Gani Prize
University of Sheffield: Sir Edward Collingwood Prize
University of Sydney: Applied Probability Trust Prize (Website)
University of Waterloo: George Barnard Prize (Website)
University of Western Australia: Richard Tweedie Memorial Applied Probability Trust and Abraham Wald Prizes (Website)
University of Wollongong: William Sealy Gosset and Applied Probability Trust Prizes (Website)
The recipients of each award in a given calendar year are collated by the APT Executive Editor and publishing in the following years March issue of the Journal of Applied Probability.
Endowment Fund (Elizabeth Meckes)
In 2021, the Applied Probability Trust made a contribution to a memorial fund for Professor Elizabeth Meckes who passed away in December 2020. Elizabeth was a valued member of the Applied Probability Journals' editorial board. This fund, managed by the Case Western Reserve University Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, is used to sponsor an annual lecture with the following speakers:
2023, Professor Eugenia Cheng (video here)
2024, Professor Persi Diaconis (video here)
2025, Professor Henry Segerman
The event website can be found here.